Old Point Loma Lighthouse - Afternoon
8x10 oil on linen panel
A busy Saturday coming up, July 19, 2008:
Starting with the SDAI Paint-out in the morning in Balboa Park
Now co-hosting the SDAI paint-out with Maura McHugh.We meet each month every third Saturday at 9am in front of SDAI.Non-members welcome.See you there.
Then in the afternoon,
Captivating California
Location: Front Porch Gallery
Event Dates: 7/19/2008 - 9/7/2008
Reception: 7/19/2008 • 1-4pm
Captivating California
An Invitational plein air exhibit by local California landscape painters.
The Opening Reception will be Saturday, July 19 from 1pm to 4pm
Exhibit DatesJuly 19 - September 7, 2008
Front Porch Gallery2903 Carlsbad Blvd.Carlsbad, CA 92008
(one block north of Carlsbad Village Dr. at the corner of Carlsbad Blvd and Grand Ave.)
Gallery HoursWed thru Fri, Noon - 6pmSat and Sun, 11am - 5pm